Practices by Discipline
PIP produces broadly applicable code-compliant practices.
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Special Fabrication Requirements for Welded Vessels and Tanks to be Lined
This Practice describes fabrication requirements for welded vessels, tanks, bins, and silos that are to be lined with nonmetallic linings including liquid-applied and sheet linings. Provisions of this Practice are intended to apply only to surfaces to be lined. This Practice supplements PIP VECV1001, PIP VESV1002, PIP VESSM001 and PIP VESLP001.
Technical Revision
Hairpin Heat Exchanger Specification
This Practice provides requirements for use by a purchaser for determining the design criteria for double-pipe and multitube, and hairpin-type heat exchangers constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, henceforth referred to as the Code. Most standardized, predesigned (off-the-shelf) double-pipe and multitube hairpin-type heat exchangers meet the requirements of this Practice.
Technical Revision
Fabrication and Examination of ASME B31.8 Metallic Piping
This Practice provides requirements for both shop and field fabricated piping and pipelines constructed in accordance with ASME B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, (hereinafter referred to as the Code). Piping fabrication requirements are provided for materials, welding, forming, and heat treatment. Examination requirements are provided for piping materials, components, fabrication, assembly, and erection. Requirements for examination documentation are provided. Examination methods, acceptance criteria, and requirements for correction of defective work are also provided.