Practices by Discipline
PIP produces broadly applicable code-compliant practices.
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Pipe Supports Details
This Practice describes the minimum requirements to fabricate or install supports for large and small bore piping. The details provide dimensional and engineering requirements for the design of pipe supports. However, the suitability of all supports must be verified prior to use in any application. This practice is not a substitute for competent engineering analysis and design based on the specific requirements of each project.
Technical Correction
Induction Motor Electrical Maintenance
This Practice covers minimum requirements for the maintenance of induction motors. The aspects of electrical maintenance are described. While many of the maintenance aspects covered in this Practice can be applied to synchronous and DC motor maintenance, synchronous and DC motor maintenance is not part of this Practice.
New Practice
Piping Material Specification (PMS) Index
This Practice describes the basic characteristics of each PIP Material Specification (PMS). Each specification listed is described by pressure class, primary material, corrosion allowance, service type, and joint construction.
Complete Revision
Acoustic Insulation Systems Specification
This Practice describes the requirements for the design, application, and extent of acoustic insulation on piping and equipment operating at high and low temperatures. Systems requiring additional insulation specifications beyond PIP Practices, such as ISO 15665, shall be covered by purchaser's documentation.Listing of or reference to supporting documents within this Practice does not imply suitability for specific designs.Comment Use of this Practice for contractual purposes requires the purchaser to make specific choices and assemble additional supporting documents.
Technical Revision
Hot Insulation Installation Details
This Practice provides installation details for hot insulation systems. This Practice provides details for installing hot insulation systems on piping, valves, horizontal and vertical vessels, and heat exchangers.
Application of Architectural Coatings in Hygienic Facilities
This Practice describes the general requirements for surface preparation, application, and inspection of architectural protective coatings utilized for substrates used in hygienic processes and facilities.
New Practice
Monolithic Refractory Material Specification
This Practice describes the requirements for certification and prequalification of the refractory materials and accessories used to construct monolithic refractory linings in process equipment and piping. It provides a basis for selection, purchase, and quality control of refractory materials and metal fiber reinforcement. Included are the material property, testing, documentation, storage, and shipping requirements for industrial refractory lining materials and metal fiber reinforcement used to construct monolithic refractory linings. These materials can be installed by gunning, casting, pumping, or hand packing as specified.
Technical Revision
Monolithic Refractory Installation Specification
This Practice provides requirements for the installation of monolithic refractory linings in process equipment and piping. Included are preparation, installation, curing, and repair of the linings. This Practice also covers heat dryout of newly installed or repaired linings.
Technical Revision
Guidelines for Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates for Centrifugal Pumps
This Practice provides recommended minimum and maximum flow rates for conventional centrifugal pumps (i.e., pumps with mechanical seals) to achieve safe operation while optimizing operating costs. This Practice describes how to use hydraulic and mechanical criteria to determine a recommended safe operating flow range for centrifugal pumps. This Practice does not provide hard limits for a pump's flow range because of factors that cannot be precisely defined.
Technical Revision
Lightning and Static Protection Guideline
This Practice addresses lightning and static protection for facilities that process, manufacture, store, and handle flammable, non-flammable, combustible, and non-combustible products and materials. This practice will also address lightning and static protection of the electrical infrastructure used to support the manufacturing of these materials.
New Practice
Supplemental Design Criteria for Shell and Plate Heat Exchangers
This Practice provides requirements for use by a Purchaser for determining the design criteria including design, materials of construction, inspection and testing for shell and plate heat exchangers constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, henceforth referred to as the Code, and PIP VECV1001. Requirements that are specific to Code, Section VIII, Division 2 are shown in braces . This Practice provides requirements for purchasing shell and plate heat exchangers that are to be designed and fabricated by a Manufacturer. This Practice also provides guidance for the development of purchase specifications for the construction of new shell and plate heat exchangers which meet the philosophy and requirements of Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or 2 and PIP VECV1001.For some heat exchanger purchases, certain requirements in this Practice and in PIP VECV1001 may be assigned by Purchaser to Manufacturer. The specific requirements assigned (e.g., thermal design and the performance rating) can be specified on Purchaser's PIP VEDSP003 Data Sheet.
Technical Revision
Supplemental Purchase and Fabrication Specification for Shell and Plate Heat Exchangers
This Practice describes the mechanical design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, and documentation requirements for shell and plate heat exchangers constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, henceforth referred to as the Code. Requirements that are specific to Code, Section VIII, Division 2 are shown in braces .This Practice is supplemental to the requirements of PIP VESV1002, Design and Fabrication Specification for Pressure Vessels, ASME Code Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2.
Technical Revision
Pipeline Material Specifications (PMS) Index
This Practice describes the basic characteristics of each PIP Pipeline Systems Piping Material Specification (PMS). Each specification listed is described by pressure class, primary material, design factor, corrosion allowance, service type, and joint construction.
New Practice