30 Years

Of Serving Engineers


Published Practices


Active Industry Experts

The Process Industry Practices Initiative was founded in 1993 and is a self-funded consortium of owner and contractor companies.

PIP members are dedicated to harmonizing internal company standards and practices around design, procurement, construction, and maintenance. Our members are process industry owners and engineering construction contractors focused on minimizing total cost of ownership, reducing plant operating and installation costs, and standardizing non-proprietary processes. The organization works under the auspices of the Construction Industry Institute (CII), an organized research unit controlled by The University of Texas and operating within the Cockrell School of Engineering.

Our Purpose and Mission

PIP empowers economic progress and capital efficiency by translating applied research into industry best practices. Our mission centers around collaboration, producing a library of engineering practices encompassing globally relevant guidance and technical criteria within a program that provides opportunity for professional education and leadership development.

Our Core Values

Our core values are embodied throughout the organization and drive our behavior and decision-making process.



The credibility of the Practices is grounded in the reliability of content and the participants from which it is obtained.



As participants, we depend on each other to work together to achieve our objectives; it is essential that we act and do what we say.



The organization thrives on the efforts and contributions of willing volunteers that are able to embrace differences of opinion to improve our collective understanding.



Just as we all benefit from what the organization offers, we all share in the effort required to achieve our objectives.



Our mission and vision are predicated on the expertise and knowledge embodied in the Practices’ content, and that content must be of the highest caliber to ensure credibility.



Our collective knowledge and experience is a cornerstone of the organization and can only be harvested through a positive team environment that promotes active participation by everyone.



We are a volunteer organization with a limited supply of qualified resources; efficient utilization is paramount to our success.


Process Industry Practices is a volunteer organization, led by professionals employed by its Member Companies.


Melissa Williams


Vice Chair

Stuart Simmons


Paul Photo Cropped Image

Participation Chair

Paul Oberrieder

Burns & McDonnell

Past Chair

Shawn McGaw
